We are here to support NHS Tayside staff and the patients you care for. Do you have suggestions or requests regarding how and where we can help? Then tell us! We’re here for YOU!

Archie provides year round support for young patients and NHS staff and from time to time we seek proposals for our next major projects. Read on for further information about the type of projects we support, the timescales we are working to, how to make your application and other frequently asked questions.

If you have additional questions which are not addressed below please email us at support@archie.org and we will be happy to help.


Who Can Apply?

Any member of NHS Tayside staff can apply.


How Do I Apply?

Simply complete and return one of our two application forms:

For immediate funding either for your ward or department or to support a patient / young person you should complete this form – Archie Grant-Application-Form

From time to time we accept applications for Major Projects (i.e. projects or initiatives in the region of £10,000 or more). We are currently accepting bids for major projects, if you have a suggestion please complete this form – NHST and Archie Foundation – Final Significant Project Bid Form


What Can I Apply For?

Archie provide the “extras” that can transform experiences and outcomes in paediatric healthcare for young patients and for the clinical staff who care for them. Our funding of non-core training, equipment and services together with our works to enhance clinical environments can all truly make the difference for children and young people.

If it will make a difference for a child being treated in hospital, or with an ongoing healthcare issue, then we are happy to hear from you to see if we can assist.


What Does Core / Non-Core Mean?

The NHS provides what is deemed to be “core” equipment and services for the healthcare sector. This covers essential, life-saving items and training. Non-core equipment, services or training are what is considered by the NHS to be “extra”, over and above the essentials. If in doubt get in touch and ask if the project you are thinking about would qualify for Archie funding.


When Can I Apply?

The Archie Foundation accepts applications from and on behalf of children, families and NHS staff all year round. Details regarding how to make a general application to Archie can be found here.

From time to time we invite higher value / larger scale / longer timeframe project bids (as in this case), which are assessed in a slightly different manner. The deadline for submitting larger scale bids is 15th April. Download the NHST and Archie Foundation – Final Significant Project Bid Form, fill in as much information as you can and email it to support@archie.org.

If in doubt as to which form you should complete please don’t hesitate to get in touch either by email to support@archie.org or by calling our head office on 01224 559559.


Why Should I Apply?

Because The Archie Foundation is here to support YOU and the young patients you support!


Who Can I Speak To About My Bid/Application?

We will confirm safe receipt of all bids and will update you on the outcome of your application. If you have any questions you can contact us by email on support@archie.org or by calling our head office on 01224 559559.


When Will I Know If My Bid Has Been Successful?

The timeframe for approvals is dependent on the level of funding sought. For applications of up to £1000 we will respond within one week. Applications of £1000 and above will be considered by Archie’s Clinical Advisory Committee for Tayside. The committee meets quarterly to review and discuss all applications received at which point applicants for that quarter will receive feedback.


How Will Bids Be Assessed?

Again this depends on the value of funding sought. Applications of up to £1000 are considered by Archie’s Executive Team. Applications of £1000 and above will be reviewed by Archie’s Clinical Advisory Committee for Tayside. Committee membership covers all wards/departments within NHS Tayside including community healthcare. Committee members will assess each application/bid, and in the case of Significant Bids they will score these against the questions and criteria used in the bid form. The Clinical Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the Archie Board of Trustees who will have final responsibility for choosing the successful project(s).


How Much Can I Apply For?

There is no fixed upper limit set. As a guide major project bids of £50,000 and below will be more favourably regarded than those of a higher value. Year-round support is available to support our NHST colleagues and the patients they care for, however funding is finite and so we may not be able to support all applications received. We will consider all applications and we will respond in a timely fashion to advise if your application has been successful (or not).


I Don’t Know Exactly How Much My Project Will Cost, Does It Matter?

The more complete and detailed your application, the greater the likelihood of your bid being successful. That said, we are happy to receive outline proposals. If appropriate we can work with you thereafter to gather the necessary information to fully evaluate your application.