The Archie Foundation Win Your Wedding competition is open to entrants on the website between 7pm 4th April 2022 until Midnight 18th April 2022.
Registration into the competition signifies agreement to all rules.
Wedding Date: The winner will liaise with The Archie Foundation representative to confirm a suitable 2023/24 date for their wedding.
Completing the online entry form, including satisfactory answers to the questions, will gain entrance to the competition.
Six couples will be selected from the application process to fundraise on behalf of The Archie Foundation.
Fundraising will take place over two months starting from the 30th April 2022 and finish by midday on the 30th June 2022. Any funds raised after the closing date will not be considered by the judges.
The couple raising the highest sum will be declared the winners of the competition.
The winner will be announced at the Woodlands Hotel date TBC.
All six couples must attend the Winner Reveal at the Woodlands Hotel, where the winner will be announced. In the event that the winning couple is not in attendance at the Winner Reveal the prize will default to the runner up. All suppliers will also participate on this date. The Archie Foundation will confirm exact timings to the couples by the 30th June .
The Archie Foundation will supply sponsorship forms for off-line fundraising and will support the couples in setting up online Just Giving pages (note Just Giving is the preferred online fundraising platform for The Archie Foundation).
Fundraising collateral will be provided to participating couples. All couples will receive exactly the same materials which will include branded T-shirts, and buckets. This can be collected from the Archie Foundation Office at Ninewells Hospital.
VENUE: The Woodlands Hotel:
Inclusive package for 50 day and an extra 50 evening guests worth over £2000, we will take you from your Ceremony through your three-course meal and into your evening reception in our newly renovated function suite. The package includes:
- Ceremony room,
- Three-course dinner
- Glass of Prosecco for the toast
- Evening buffet
- Accommodation on the night of your wedding for the happy couple in our four poster room.
Any additional costs to be charged to the winners.
CELEBRANT: Darren Handy of Fuze Celebrants:
A full consultancy meeting to discuss everything you as a couple want in your Ceremony: from Vows and Symbolic Gestures to Readings and Music.
The writing and conducting of your personalised and bespoke Ceremony plus a copy to keep and reflect on for years to come.
Any additional costs to be charged to the winners.
KILTS: The Kilt Company:
- Groom & Best Man kilt hire
- Includes shirt/socks per person.
Any additional costs to be charged to the winners.
PIPER: Glen Kelly Piper:
Piping entertainment before and during the ceremony.
Any additional costs to be charged to the winners.
FLOWERS: Turiffs Florist:
Full Bridal Party Flowers
Any additional costs to be charged to the winners.
CAKE: JM Bakery:
Wedding Cake worth £350
Any additional costs to be charged to the winners.
BRIDAL MAKE-UP PACKAGE: Leonie Ferrie Make-up:
Bridal makeup for the bride and up to three additional members of the bridal party.
Any additional costs to be charged to the winners.
HAIR: Hair Design by Darlene
Bridal hair for the bride and up to three additional members of the bridal party
Any additional costs to be charged to the winners.
PHOTOGRAPHY: Derek Gerrard:
Top package worth over £1500 for complete coverage of the whole day, from bridal prep all the way through to the stovies at night time. Complete professional editing of the images with no limit on the amount returned, images presented in a bespoke personalised box on a USB with a full lifetime print and share license. Also, a pre-wedding meet up to discuss capturing the big day.
Any additional costs to be charged to the winners.
Full evening Disco.
Any additional costs to be charged to the winners.
These terms and conditions (“Terms”) are supplemental to and should be read in conjunction with any specific entry instructions or terms applying to the particular competition (“Competition Information”), and in the event of inconsistency, these Terms shall prevail.
All entrants must comply with the entry requirements set out in the Competition Information and these Terms to enter a competition. The entrant is aware that failure to comply with the competition information or the terms may result in their disqualification from the competition.
The Archie Foundation reserves the right to update/amend these terms at their sole discretion, and any changes will become effective as soon as they are published on the appropriate site/publication.
The following ARE NOT eligible to enter Archie’s Win Your Wedding Competition: employees and freelancers, or members of their immediate families (who are either spouses, parents, children or siblings), of: The Archie Foundation; Or any company or sponsor associated with a specific competition.
Unless otherwise stated in the competition information, entry to this competition is restricted to entrants who are residents of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Anyone under 18 will require obtain parental consent before submitting their entry.
The Archie Foundation reserves the right to require entrants to provide proof of identity as evidence of eligibility to participate. In the event that an entrant does not comply with a request to provide proof of identity or furnishes any false/misleading information The Archie Foundation may, at our sole discretion, disqualify the entrant from the competition entirely or, where appropriate, allocate the prize to another eligible entrant. This decision will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into about a decision regarding eligibility.
Entry into The Archie Foundation Win Your Wedding Competition is free of charge.
Anyone under the age of 18 must obtain parental consent before submitting their entry.
Entries must be submitted following the specified format in the competition information. Proof of making a phone call, sending an e-mail or posting is not proof of receipt of your entry, and The Archie Foundation will accept no responsibility for lost, damaged or delayed entries or entries that are not received for any reason.
The Archie Foundation will specify the closing date for entries in the Competition Information (and this may be extended at the absolute discretion of The Archie Foundation), and winners will be notified on the date specified in the Competition Information. Any late entries will not be accepted, but the participant may still incur any associated costs.
Incomplete or illegible entries will not be counted and will be discarded. The Archie Foundation has no responsibility to inform any entrant that their entry is incomplete or illegible or not valid for entry to a competition.
The Archie Foundation is not liable for any associated cost to entrants, winners, parents, or guardians of entering a competition or claiming a prize unless expressly specified in the Competition Information.
Entrants (including the winners) hereby assign all intellectual property rights and waive all moral rights in their entry to The Archie Foundation Win Your Wedding competition. Entries cannot be returned to entrants unless The Archie Foundation explicitly agrees.
Where materials are returned to the participant, The Archie Foundation accepts no responsibility for the safe return of any material or its return in an undamaged condition or any liability for loss or damage to such material.
In entering the competition, you warrant that all information you submit is correct and not obscene or offensive or otherwise in breach of any third party rights, and The Archie Foundation reserves the right to verify the eligibility of all entrants. The Archie Foundation reserves the right to disqualify any entrant from the competition if it believes (in its sole discretion) that such entrant has breached any of these terms or the specific terms applying to the competition.
Entrants (including winners) shall not do or say anything that could damage or harm the reputation of The Archie Foundation.
Winning couples will be asked to share their story and preparations through Archie Foundation’s PR including but not limited to social media, printed press, TV, website. .
The Archie Foundation will own the copyright on entries.
All wedding prize dates will be agreed upon. They are not transferable. Couples have to be able to fulfil their remaining wedding arrangements and legal requirements for the confirmed wedding date.
A panel of judges will judge entries at the registration stages. The judging panel’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered.
Unless expressed otherwise in the Competition Information, if, for any reason, The Archie Foundation is unable to contact a winner to inform them that they have won a competition, or if a winner does not contact The Archie Foundation within a reasonable period of The Archie Foundation sending notification to such winner to confirm acceptance of a prize, then The Archie Foundation reserves the right (in its sole discretion) to select an alternative winner.
The couple who raises the most money will be deemed the winner and will receive the wedding package.
The Archie Foundation reserves the right to amend the prize package.
There is no cash alternative to any part of this promotion or its prizes.
No refunds are available for any reason on any part of the prize.
If the winners cannot take up the prize for any reason, The Archie Foundation reserves the right to offer the prize to the entrant with the following highest fundraising amount raised.
The prizes offered in competitions may be provided by a sponsor (or alternative promoter) rather than The Archie Foundation. In such circumstances, The Archie Foundation does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of any prize descriptions supplied by such third parties.
A third party providing the prize in a competition may impose terms and conditions upon the prize’s use or acceptance. The winner shall be advised of these terms and conditions before accepting the prize.
Prizes are subject to availability. No cash alternative is available. The Archie Foundation and/or (if applicable) the competition sponsor reserve the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value than advertised. The prizes are not transferable.
Prize winners are responsible for paying any additional costs directly to suppliers.
The Archie Foundation may pass details of winners to a third party company who are directly involved with the competition and who will deliver any prizes to winners on behalf of The Archie Foundation.
The winners’ names and the competition results may be published by The Archie Foundation in our relevant publications and/or on our appropriate online channels.
Entrants agree to take part in competition publicity, including social media and local media.
Couples agree that (if they win) they will take part in such reasonable competition-related publicity as The Archie Foundation may require and accept that The Archie Foundation will publicise their entry, which would include photographs/images submitted as part of their entry, names, likeness and statements in connection with/resulting from the competition in any and all media.
Any entrants should not enter into any correspondence or give any interviews with any third party on any matters which arise from the competition without the written permission of The Archie Foundation.
The Archie Foundation and third party suppliers involved in the competition may use any data supplied by the entrants to process the competition, inform winning participants of their winning entry, distribute prizes and, where the relevant marketing permissions have been collected, contact entrants concerning other competitions it runs or to market products or services it believes may be of interest to them.
Entry into the competition will constitute consent to the uses of data contained in these Terms.