The Archie Toy Box provide welcome distractions and rewards for young patients and their families at countless NHS healthcare facilities right across the north of Scotland.
Our Toy Boxes are used by Health Play Specialists and Play Leaders, including our very own Archie Play Worker and other NHS staff members as they care for young patients at the various hospitals and clinics we support.
We support thousands of patients every year and need a steady stream of donations to keep the Archie Toy Boxes topped up. Any donation you can make will be very gratefully received.
A small gift can make a HUGE difference to a child in hospital. Check out our Amazon Wish List and donate today.
Wish list donations will be sent directly to our HQ.
Donations must be new, unused items. We cannot accept used items due to strict hospital requirements around infection control.
Donations can be handed into our offices at R.A.C.H, Ninewells and Raigmore.
The Archie Toy Box really made a huge difference to my family. My five year old was getting his bloods taken and he was screaming the place down "I hate this place, I hate needles!"
Then out came the nurse with the magic Archie Toy Box. The screaming totally stopped.
Sarah Green