Putting the “fun” into fundraising

Fundraising doesn’t have to be posting a link and asking family and friends to donate. Of course, this is always useful in gathering funds, but some people feel bad, reaching out to friends and family. Especially with the climate being the way it currently is.

Are you planning on fundraising for The Archie Foundation but want to do something a bit different? Check out these ideas below to help give you some inspiration!

  1. Find a national day that fits with your fundraiser. Now a days, there seems to be a day for just about everything (including international bacon day – August 31st 2024). Find a fun national day and base you’re fundraising around it. For example, national biscuit day is coming up on Wednesday 29th May, you could have a work bake sale on this day, asking all your colleagues to bring their best home made biscuits and asking them to donate some money to enter into a bake off! With so many days to choose from, there will be a theme that fits with you and your friends. You may even make some lasting memories along the way!
  2. Got a birthday coming up? Why not skip the presents and ask people to donate to your fundraising instead. If you’re having a party, why not get an Archie bucket and ask for donations for song requests! Trustee, Carol, recently did this for her Marathon March fundraiser and raised over £800. Another supporter Rio also asked for donations instead of presents for her 8th birthday Disco. The little fundraiser raised £500 from friends donating rather than buying a present.
  3. Push yourself out of your comfort zone to raise money for Archie. Not a runner? Why not enter into a 5K race for Archie and build yourself up to the big day. Create a fundraising page and ask for sponsors in exchange for song recommendations for your running playlist. Get a sweepstake going and ask people to donate to guess your finish time. The closest person could win a prize or the percentage of the money raised. You’ll be surprised at how much it can keep you going, knowing that you’re raising money and awareness for a great cause.
  4. Ask to have an Archie stand at local events around where you live. Does your village host the best highland games? Your town famous for its gin festival? Ask the organisers whether it would be possible for you to have a table to promote and fundraise for The Archie Foundation. If you get the go ahead, organise fun interactive games such as a lucky dip and tombola where people make a donation to take part.

Hopefully these suggestions have got your creative juices flowing. If you’d like to do a fundraiser for us, please do get in touch! We’ll be able to help you out with any bits of branding and materials you may need. We’d love to hear from you and help you make your fundraising ideas, a reality!

Putting the “fun” into fundraising