Penelope’s Story

Penelope was born on the 27th April 2023 with a birth diagnosis of Down Syndrome. Having to stay overnight in Aberdeen a couple of times, mum Kirsty, who was already caring for Penelope’s 4 sisters, found the Archie Family Centre a real lifeline. “Without it I don’t know how we would have managed”. She appreciated the ease of getting the room “all given without any forms to fill in or hassle. In moments of turmoil, this was just a blessing”.

Living 2 hours away in the town of Elgin, Kirsty was finding the transport costs of getting the hospital and back were really taking a toll. She applied for a financial support grant and got these commutes paid for by The Archie Foundation. She says this financial support has “been a lifeline”.

Penelope will need lifelong support from the NHS and The Archie Foundation will be there for her and her family for as long as she attends the children’s hospital. Kirsty is aware of this and wanted to give something back to thank Archie for all the support they’ve received so far. She hosted a Lady’s Day last month to celebrate Penelope and they raised an absolutely incredible £5,447!

With the success of the event this year, they’re planning on making it a yearly thing. We can’t thank them enough for their fantastic support.

Penelope’s Story