Paisley’s Story

Back in January of last year, little Paisley, diagnosed with Down Syndrome before birth, came into this world at 31 weeks and 1 day old. Along with Down Syndrome, she also had Duodenal Atresia (a condition which blocks food and fluid going from the stomach to the intestines) and Choanal Atresia (a blockage of the nasal passage by bone or tissue).

At just 2 days old, Paisley had surgery to correct her Duodenal which is where they found her Choanal. She was fitted with nasal stents at 1 week old to try correct it. After 3 sets of stents, Paisley was transferred to Glasgow for their ENT team to try and correct her Choanal. It was a long ride for Paisley who underwent 11 theatre trips, all of which were unsuccessful. Finally, in July 2023, she was fitted with a tracheostomy and put on oxygen due to her Down Syndrome and unsafe airway.

Paisley and her family were transferred back to Aberdeen in September. Mum, Lynne, said they had a pram for Paisley but it didn’t fit all of the equipment that came with her oxygen. Luckily, the Occupational Therapists at the Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital (RACH) put her in touch with The Archie Foundation where a funding application was put in for a suitable pram.

In October, after a 9 month stay in hospital, Paisley was finally welcomed home. The new pram, funded by Archie was delivered to the house a week later. Lynne says “This pram has been a lifesaver for us and makes going out so much easier. I now don’t have to carry her oxygen and bags on my person as everything fits in her pram.

Thank you so much for your help. We were unaware of the help we could have received through the foundation and although this may be small to some people, it has taken pressure off of us as leaving the house previously with her old pram was a stress.” 

Paisley’s Story