Madison’s Dancing Through the Alphabet for Archie

Back in February, Madison (then 9) and her mum Vicky got in touch with Archie with an interesting fundraising idea. It started off with Madison’s dream of highland dancing in front of the castle at Disneyland Paris. Then, inspired by TikToks, she asked if she could dance in a town that represented each of the letters of the alphabet. So, 26 places and 26 dances in total. She wanted to do it whilst raising money for a charity and after some deliberation, she decided on The Archie Foundation.

When asked why she wanted to fundraise for us, Madison replied that when she’d been in hospital for X-rays last year, her and her little sister both got given toys with Archie stickers on them. She started asking questions about us and learnt all the different things we did for babies, children and their families throughout the North of Scotland.

Fast forward to now, almost 5 months on and Madison is well on her way to completing her challenge. With 7 letters down and just under 20 to go, her dedication and unwavering enthusiasm is absolutely incredible. Although the weather’s not been on her side, Madison is determined to keep on going with her challenge. She’s not alone either. For most of her dances, she’s been accompanied by friends, one even doing a virtual dance as she was on holiday at the time!

All of us at The Archie Foundation are invested in her challenge and follow her Facebook page which shares updates on her progress. On her 10th birthday, Madison’s dream came true as she danced in front of the castle, ticking off the letter D.

Having originally had a fundraising target of £500, Madison is thrilled that her total’s currently at £958! With still more dances to do, and towns to visit, we can’t wait to see what the finishing total will be. You can donate to her JustGiving page here and follow her challenge on her Facebook page.

Keep up the great work Madison. You’ve got this!

Madison’s Dancing Through the Alphabet for Archie