Hospital Volunteer Spotlight

Meet Yvonne, one of our volunteers within the children’s hospital. Here, she share’s her reasons for volunteering and her highlights of the role.

How long have you been a volunteer at Archie?

4 months.

What made you want to volunteer for Archie?

I felt I could be of some use to Archie. I wanted to support a wonderful charity and be part of a team, whose primary aim is to support children and their families.

What do you do in your volunteering role?

I’m a meet and greet volunteer at the main children’s hospital entrance. My role is to welcome people into the building, assist them to their appointments and make them aware of Archie services that might be of use to them.

What do you enjoy about being an Archie volunteer?

The best thing about my role is meeting so many different people, feeling you may have helped someone in some small way. It’s nice seeing returning patients, in that you can start to build up a relationship with them. It’s so nice to be part of a very positive, caring charity.

What would you say to anyone considering becoming an Archie volunteer?

DO IT! Everyone brings their own unique skills to volunteering. You will make a difference but you will also benefit so much.

Volunteering in the hospital in a role like Yvonne’s, really helps keep the hospital feeling friendly and less intimidating for kids and their families. Could you spare a couple of hours a week? Get in touch to have a chat today!

Hospital Volunteer Spotlight