ARCHIE packs helping children and families after diabetes diagnosis

Children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes will now have additional support in managing their diet thanks to a special pack funded by ARCHIE.

A diabetes diagnosis can be a shock for parents not only coming to terms with a health condition in their child, but also having to implement a new daily routine to meet their little one’s new needs.

The ARCHIE Foundation is delighted to have funded packs for 20 diagnosis and will look to continue more funding when required.

The diabetes pack funded by ARCHIE

Each kit includes a Carbs and Cals information book, carbohydrate counting educational booklets, digital kitchen scales, measuring equipment, calculator and a recipe book and is designed to help children and families come to terms with the condition.

Julie Johnson, Lead Specialist Paediatric Dietitian at Raigmore, said the packs will be a help to children and their families who have recently received a diagnosis.

She said: “Being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes can be a traumatic time for both the child and their parents and extended family and friends.

“The day to day management of diabetes can be complex. It involves, amongst other things, counting carbohydrates and adjusting insulin doses accordingly.

“By providing starter packs, which include everything needed to get going with carbohydrate counting, families can start carbohydrate counting immediately after diagnosis without having to also deal with financing, locating and purchasing scales, books and other equipment.

“This should help smooth the transition from hospital to home, aid learning about the condition, and ensure that families and children become experts and resilient at self-managing the condition and ultimately aims to improve health outcomes.”

Funding these packs would not be possible without the incredible support we receive from local people and businesses. Everyone that donates, fundraises, volunteers or raises awareness helps tremendously in making the difference to children and their families!

If you’d like to support The ARCHIE Foundation, there are plenty of ways to do so! Whether you volunteer, donate, or take part in one of our upcoming fundraisers – please get in touch at!

ARCHIE packs helping children and families after diabetes diagnosis