Andrew’s “Peedie” Fundraiser for Archie

The team at Archie absolutely love hearing about fundraising ideas and supporting fundraisers through their journey. One little fundraiser we had supporting us recently was 2 year old Andrew, who did a sponsored walk around the Peedie Sea in Orkney. Supported by family, the little toot walked the 1.5k route to mark one year since he was critically ill and had to be rushed to Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital (RACH).

On 8th April 2023 Andrew, originally from Glasgow, was up visiting his Granny in Orkney when he became severely unwell and had to be airlifted to RACH. He had Invasive Group A Strep and spent over a week in the High Dependency Unit (HDU). During this time The Archie Foundation supported Andrew and his family in a variety of ways. This included providing daily support, accommodation and facilities for his parents so they could be by his bedside 24/7.

Thankfully, Andrew eventually made a full recovery and is back living his best life with his parents and sister Charlotte in Glasgow. Mum, Helen, is still so grateful for the support she was given during that difficult time. “We will be forever grateful for the support we received from The Archie Foundation during what was a difficult and worrying time.”

They decided to do the fundraiser in Orkney as this was where he was when he fell ill. With lots of family around and a lot of support, little Andrew raised a fantastic £785 for Archie! Helen said that they “wanted to give something back to say “Thank You!”

Interested in fundraising for Archie? Find out how you can get involved!

Andrew’s “Peedie” Fundraiser for Archie