In February 2021 a formal agreement was signed by the Chairman of The Archie Foundation and the Chief Executive of NHS Tayside setting out the future relationship and partnership between The ArchieFoundation and NHS Tayside. The Archie Foundation now seeks applications for the charity’s support of the next “significant project” in the region.
Archie/NHST Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC)
A Clinical Advisory Committee has been formed with representation from all paediatric departments within NHS Tayside. This Committee will advise with regard to the suitability of applications made to the charity in terms of clinical fit/need. Requests to The Archie Foundation for funding can be made at any time by either members of the public or by NHS Tayside staff. The approval process will differ depending on a) the value of the request and b) the beneficiary of the funding.
Can Archie Support Your Area of Work?
In addition to the ongoing funding applications received and reviewed quarterly by the CAC, there will, from time to time, be a bidding process by which staff will be invited by The Archie Foundation to propose funding requests above £10,000. The frequency of this happening will depend on the cost of the chosen project and the success of the targeted fundraising.
What we consider for funding….
1. Facilities and equipment to support children in hospital or currently receiving care from the NHS.
2. Emergency grants to help families who are struggling financially as a result of the unexpected admission of a child to hospital.
3. Resources to help create a family focused environment in NHS childcare facilities, this could include enhancing décor, play and entertainment resources.
4. Training and development of NHS staff working within the Combined Child Health Service (CCHS).
5. Medical Equipment for any area within the Combined Child Health Service or Child Health Institute. Please note the funding of medical equipment will only be considered when all other internal routes have been exhausted. Archie will not fund items considered to be ‘core’ NHS.
Applications we will not fund….
1. Applications where the request should be part of NHS Core Funding.
2. Applications to support a child/family where there is no current connection with the NHS.
3. Applications for items Archie consider to be over and above the child’s basic healthcare and wellbeing requirements. For example, we will not fund holidays for children and their families.
4. Applications that are retrospective where the spend has already been committed.
Timeframe for Applications for Funding in 2022
1. Applications for funding/support for significant projects opens w/c 13th December 2021
2. Closing dates for bids 4th March 2022
3. Bids considered by Clinical Advisory Committee – 7th to 11th March
4. Announcement of Archie’s next significant partnership project with NHST – 25th March 2022
5. Feedback to all who submitted bids regarding the outcome of their bid.
The Significant Project Application Form can be found here: