The Archie Foundation is proud to support the paediatric Health Play Specialism. Our support takes many forms, including funding the Archie Play Worker at Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital. “Play” within a healthcare context involves much more than this simple and every day word might suggest. It of course includes the obvious arts and crafts, games and entertainment, but it is so much more than this. Play practitioners provide reassurance, company and comfort for young patients helping to keep their spirits up and their worries down.
The Play Team at RACH take great pride in tailoring their support to ensure a really special and meaningful experience for each and every young patient attending the hospital. Archie is proud to fund one member of this team – the Archie Play Worker – and to support the entire Play Team by providing the toys and resources required to provide their first class support.
The Archie Play Worker supports children of all ages from babies to teens and from long-term patients with complex needs through to day-cases who can be in and out in a matter of hours with barely enough time to play a game of snap. A key part of the Archie Play Worker’s role is supporting the medical team on the wards, helping to distract children while doctors and nurses carry out procedures. A further, very important part of the role is providing company, advice and support for parents who appreciate seeing a friendly and familiar face on the wards. Parents regularly feedback to us how grateful they are for the guilt-free opportunities that the Archie Play Worker’s, attention and care affords them to take a break from their child’s bedside to grab a coffee or even a bit of rest for those who are staying in the Archie Family Centre.